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Facility Management

Protocol management

Web Animal Order Req.

Web Protocol Submission

Bar Coding


iAnimal Health


Not Just Software But Solutions

Facility Management

The Facility Management Module handles many of the day to data functions of a research facility. This module is highly modifiable to fit the way you work

Product Summary

Module I handles many or most of the day-to-day functions of running a Lab Animal Facility.  These include Animal Ordering, cages cards, delivery reports, and the USDA report, and the invoicing of investigators for animals purchased.  It also tracks and alerts the LAR office when an investigator would exceed the number of animals allowed on a protocol.  Census, census will allow you track, invoice and report on the animals being used in research protocols.  Labor, will allow you track, invoice and report on the services being used in research protocols.  Supply Orders will allow you track, invoice and report on the supplies being used in research protocols. Invoices will allow you to create and print out individual invoices for each investigator by either name or account number. Protocols, will allow you to man gage and track information pertinent to each protocol, as well as track investigator animal usage. You can also generate reports of animal usage by a wide range of criteria.  Personnel, will allow you track maintain information pertinent to each employee and or investigator; including, but not limited to training information.  Animal Health will allow the tracking of both large and small animal health, including sentinel animals. This information may be sorted and manipulated in a variety of ways depending on your individual needs.  Cost Analysis, we have built a mechanism for doing a cost analysis for your facility.

This is the Facility Management Welcome Screen

To contact us:

Phone: 866-945-9977

Fax: 866-618-4204

E-mail: info@lambschoice.com